- Games Workshop - The official Games Workshop website.
- Orcsdrift - Miniature terrain, mold making, resin casting, Hirst Arts.
- Ellsweb - Miniature painting and modelling guides.
- Flagship Games - The flagship games website.
- Strike to Stun - The online magazine for Warhammer.
- Voidgamers - A central repository for miniature gaming related materials.
- The Mighty Pages - The homepage of Stephan Meissl
- The Hirst Arts 3D Terrain Design Project - This application is to be used to assist people in the design process when constructing objects/items produced from the 'plaster bricks' created using the Hirst Arts / Castlemolds molds.
- Dungeon Crawlers - Dedicated to wargamers above and below ground.
- Fernando Enterprises Miniature figure painting service - A reliable and quality miniature figure painting service for metal and plastic miniatures of all scales and all periods of human history and conflict. 60 skilled painters. 10 years service to Wargamers and collectors. Excellent worldwide references.
- Shifting Lands - A site dedicated to the 25mm world of fantasy.
- The Hobby Box - An online store with miniatures and accessories for various games.
- - Learn all about wargaming.
- Terragenesis - The web site devoted to the production of terrain for table-top wargames.
- Hirst Arts Fantasy Architecture - Cast Your Own Blocks - Build Your Own Castles.
- Miniature Medieval Terrain - Medieval buildings, landscapes, and miniatures in 25mm scale.
- Weald and Downland Open Air Museum - Inspiration for medieval and fantasy terrain.
- Icedheart's Hirst Arts Terrain - Pictures of Icedheart's Hirst Arts terrain and links to other sites.
- Archive Pestilen - Resources for Warhammer and Mordheim.
- Warhammer Ahoy - Rules for playing Warhammer upon the open seas.
- Warhammer Skirmish - The official Warhammer Skirmish website.
- Mordheim - The official Mordheim website.
- Karak Azgal - An alternative setting for Mordheim.
- Khemri - An alternative setting for Mordheim.
- Lustria: Cities of Gold! - An alternative setting for Mordheim.
- Storm of Chaos: Aftermath - This group has been formed with the aim of taking forward the Mordheim game by Games Workshop by bringing the game up to date and to making it available to a larger number of players.
- Lock'Mar - The city of Lock'Mar.
- Struttenheim - The town of Struttenheim.
- Proyecto Diamanterra (Spanish) - The city of Diamanterra.
The Lord of the Rings
- The Last Alliance - An online resource centre and meeting point for players of Games Workshop's Lord of the Rings battle game.
- The LOTRs Hobby - The site for fans of the Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game.
- The Encyclopedia of Arda - A tribute to and a celebration of the works of J.R.R. Tolkien.
- The One Ring - Home to a growing community of fans of the Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game and its range of miniature figures.
Warhammer 40k
- Patrol Clash - The home of 40k in 40 minutes.
My Wargames is © Paul Clement 2005 - 2025 except where stated